We connect venues with organizers of events. We are Meatspace.

[:meatspace:] Deriving from cyberpunk novels, Meatspace is the world outside of the net, the real world. Opposite of the Cyperspace.

The lengthy search for interesting spaces is finally over.

We want to bring unexpected places for corporate and private events. But not only places, but also non-traditional and interesting suppliers of catering, entertainment and other services for your actions.

We want owners and operators of interesting spaces to give space where they can publicly offer their places to know about themselves.

We want boring business events to be history. We want better action .

We are enthusiastic discoverers of interesting spaces

Meatspace founders:

Pavel Kučera

We've provided requests for events


3 325 470

guests in value of

3 048 mil. CZK

Calculated from the average cost of the events.

Everything started with our passion for unusual places for corporate events

We were desperate and spent hours at the search engine to find interesting places and you could offer it to clients. An internal database was created, which was gradually expanding once it appeared on the Internet as evnt.cz (later renamed to Meatspace).


In May 2017 Evnt.cz changed to Meatspace.cz. We believe the name Meatspace is more interesting, better and more space-friendly. On May 25, 1977, Star Wars appeared for the first time in cinemas. Just over forty years ago, we launched the Meatspace. Portal, with only one side of power - yours!

Write us


Meatspace, s.r.o., Thámova 16, Praha 8

Meatspace, s.r.o., IČO: 06164811 - company registered under file number C 277335, filed with the Municipal Court in Prague.